Is Your Dog Vomiting? Here’s What You Should Do Next! If your dog is vomiting, the reason behind it can be as simple as indigestion or could be as serious as obstruction or choking. So let’s know everything about a vomiting dog and how you can handle this situation better.
Some Common Causes of Dog Vomiting Are:
Environment changes
Diet change
Renal failure
Viral, bacterial or protozoal infections
Liver infections
- Stress
Pyometra (pus in uterus) in female dogs
What Should Be Your Next Steps?
Colour of the Vomit
The colour of your dog’s vomit speaks volumes. For instance, yellow-coloured foamy liquid expelled on an empty stomach indicates acidity. Likewise, white foamy vomiting with no food particles means he is able to digest food so there is another issue. Check below to understand this better:
Yellow Vomit or acid reflux occurs when your dog has not eaten and has an empty stomach. It can be managed at home by portion control.
Clear or Watery Vomit indicates rapid intake of water with overexpansion of the stomach. Ensure slow water intake to avoid this issue.
Foamy or Bloody Vomit might indicate fatal diseases like Gastric Dilatation Volvulus which need immediate veterinary supervision.
Mucusy or Slimy Vomit may indicate parasites, ingestion of trash or contaminated food and water. It needs immediate medical assistance.
Grassy Vomit clearly implies eating grass, which is a result of boredom or lack of fiber. For more information, check out: Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?
Frequency of Vomiting
It is very important to notice the frequency, because if he vomits once in a while (let’s say once in a month), then it can be considered normal, but if your dog vomits every day or every alternate day then it should be taken seriously and you should immediately contact your veterinarian.
Age of Your Dog
Age is a crucial factor, especially if your dog is too young or old. Since both these ages are considered critical, there could be underlying serious issues. Immediately consult your vet and carefully follow their advice. Make sure you undergo all the tests and medications they prescribe.
Environmental Changes
Dogs are sensitive to their surroundings and any alterations in their environment can lead to discomfort. Vomiting can be easily induced due to ongoing environmental changes including climatic changes from summers to winters or vice versa. Other factors can be moving to a new home, travelling, or exposure to new smells or sounds. It triggers anxiety, leading to an upset stomach.
Pre-existing Conditions
There is a chance that your dog has any predisposing disease that is causing vomiting to occur or is getting his body in a negative energy balance. Conditions like gastrointestinal disorders, pancreatitis, liver, or kidney diseases can disrupt a dog's digestive system, making vomiting more frequent. It could be a sign that their disease is worsening or that another complication has arisen, so consult your veterinarian.
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To wrap up,
You must have got an overview that how important it is to not ignore the vomiting of your dog, although it can be due to simple indigestion, but make sure to take advice from your veterinarian. Early intervention can prevent serious complications and help your dog feel better sooner.