Frequently Asked Questions About Fever in Dogs

Fever in dogs can be concerning for any pet parent. Understanding about its causes, signs and symptoms is crucial to ensure your furry friend's well-being. This comprehensive guide aims to answer all your burning questions about canine fever. So, let's crack these common yet often misunderstood aspects of your pet's health.

How can I tell if my dog has a fever?

Fever in Dogs | Fur Ball Story

Keep an eye on the symptoms of fever in dogs such as: 

  • Red eyes
  • Warm ears/nose/paws
  • Loss of appetite
  • Shivering
  • Increased heart rate
  • Runny nose 
  • Coughing or sneezing
  • Dry nose tip
  • Hyperventilation/difficulty breathing 
  • Excessive Salivation

If you suspect fever, check using a digital thermometer and consult a veterinarian if temperature ranges more than 103°F. 

What is the normal body temperature of dogs? 

The normal dog temperature ranges from 101.0°F to 102.5°F which is 38.3 to 39.2°C. So, any temperature higher than the given range is considered as fever accompanied by the symptoms can be a sign of fever. However, it is not always true as the temperature can be 103°F if a dog is excited or stressed; monitor other symptoms in that case. 

How to check fever in dogs?  

Fever in Dogs | Fur Ball Story

The most accurate way to check your dog’s temperature is by using a digital thermometer. Firstly, lubricate the thermometer with petroleum jelly or baby oil. Now gently insert the thermometer about 1 inch into your dog’s anus. It will take less than 60 seconds to get the results.

Is paracetamol safe for dogs?

Never give your dog any human medicines as they can be poisonous to dogs and cause severe injury or death. Alternatively, you can use fever medicine for dogs such as Fev Pet. It is a careful combination of herbs that is developed by a team of experienced professionals, veterinarians, researchers, and animal health experts to relieve fever and its symptoms in pets. 

What natural remedy can you give a dog for a fever?

Encourage hydration with small amounts of water on a regular basis. If your dog has a temperature above 105 F, you can apply cool water to their fur, especially around the ears and feet. Be sure to monitor the temperature alongside and stop the cooling process once the temperature drops to 103°F. Keep them under a fan to provide a comfortable temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold.

Are dogs cool at night and hot during the day?  

Fever in Dogs | Fur Ball Story

A dog’s temperature can vary throughout the day or at night. Therefore, determine your dog’s regular temperature by noting their body temperature at various times of the day, for a few days until you get the readings verified.

What food can we give to dogs with fever?

Coconut water, plain chicken soup, boiled daal can be your go to options as they hydrate as well as ensure nutrient supply to the body. Remember, your dog might not feel the urge to eat anything when they are down with fever. It thus becomes crucial to ensure that appropriate nutrition is provided to help them fight off the disease. 

What are the causes of fever in dogs? 

There can be several causes of dog fever, such as:

  • Bacterial, fungal or viral infection
  • Ear infection
  • Infected wound 
  • Tooth infection
  • Urinary tract infection 
  • Ingestion of poisonous materials 
  • Stress or anxiety 
  • Brain tumour
  • Tick-borne disease 

Apart from this, high temperatures during summer can cause Hyperthermia or Heat stroke. To prevent heat stroke in pets, use Cool Pet on their paws, belly, nose and heat-prone areas. 

As we wrap up, it is important to remember that while fevers can be concerning, they are often signs that the body is fighting off an infection or dealing with inflammation. Fev Pet can be given as a secondary treatment option, however, it is always best to consult your veterinarian. Stay informed and keep your furry friend healthy and happy!