10 Common Signs of Fever in Dogs | Fur Ball Story

A dog’s normal body temperature ranges from 101° to 102.5°F, while a temperature more than 103° F is considered as fever. Pets can experience fever as a symptom of various underlying health issues. Thus, recognizing 10 Common Signs of Fever in Dogs is important for timely treatment. Here are the signs that your pet might have a fever, along with cause and treatment for each:

1. Warm/Hot Ears & Paws

Canine Fever Signs | Fur Ball Story

Increased blood flow to ears and paws usually leads to a higher than usual temperature. Use a rectal thermometer to accurately measure your pet's temperature. Moreover, Fev Pet is one of the best Dog fever home remedies to treat fever in pets besides relieving body pain, cough or cold accompanied due to fever. 

2. Behavioural Changes

As the body redirects energy towards fighting infection, fever can be witnessed. So, lack of energy causes weakness, fatigue, increased sleepiness, restlessness, irritability, anxiousness or lesser engagement in usual activities. Provide your pet a quiet and comfortable space to rest and encourage more hydration. Supertonic Syrup can be given to dogs witnessing lethargy, weakness and improve the health of kidney, liver, gut and other organs. 

3. Loss of Appetite 

Fever in Dogs | Fur Ball Story

Fever lowers the appetite as the body focuses on combating the illness rather than digestion. General discomfort experienced due to fever can also cause temporary changes in eating habits. Offer small and easily digestible meals or go for hydrating foods such as coconut water, plain chicken soup or boiled daal to ensure extra nutrition. Loss of appetite or indigestion issues such as gassy stomach, vomiting, diahorrea can be relieved using Pacho Pet, which is a natural medicine for indigestion in dogs and cats. 

4. Shivering or Trembling

Just like humans experience chills during fever, similarly, pets may shiver or tremble during fever. In this way, the body attempts to generate additional heat. Thus, keep your pet warm with blankets while avoiding overheating. Monitor the changes in temperature using a thermometer. 

5. Increased Heart Rate

Symptoms of Dog Fever | Fur Ball Story

Fever can elevate the heart rate  as the body tries to circulate blood more efficiently to combat the underlying cause of the fever. Measure the heart rate and consult a veterinarian if the readings are consistently abnormal. 

6. Coughing or Sneezing

Symptoms such as coughing or sneezing often accompany fever. They might indicate respiratory infection or illness. Monitor these signs closely and consult your vet for appropriate treatment. Fev Pet is a natural fever medicine for dogs and cats that helps in lowering down the body temperature as well as relieves cough, cold, body pain or any other symptom. 

7. Nasal Discharge 

Dog Fever Symptoms | Fur Ball Story

Fever can cause nasal passage to produce excessive mucus, which can range from clear to coloured depending on the cause. It indicates that the respiratory system is involved to cope up with the underlying cause of fever. Keep the nasal passage clean and consult your veterinarian if the issue persists for several days. 

8. Dry/Warm Nose Tip

Nose can be dry or warm because of dehydration when the body is redirecting fluids to combat fever. In that case, ensure your pet has access to fresh water and feed them hydrating foods such as coconut water, yogurt, or bone broth. To relieve dryness of nose tip, Cool Pet can be applied to the snout area and paws. It does not allow heat from the ground to affect your pet and keeps them protected from heat stroke. 

9. Hyperventilation 

Dog illness Symptoms | Fur Ball Story

Depending upon the cause, some dogs might experience hyperventilation during fever. The body attempts to expel heat or and cope with infection by the means of rapid or shallow breathing. Use a wet towel or ice pack to bring down the fever gradually and help them calm down.

10. Excessive Salivation

Some pets may drool more than usual when they have a fever. It is nothing but a response to feeling unwell or dehydrated. Tackle this problem by ensuring appropriate hydration. If the issue continues to persist, connect with your veterinarian. 

Wondering how to treat the symptoms fever in pets? Don't worry, we have got you covered with Fev Pet. It is a natural remedy to treat fever at home. If you suspect your pet has a fever, it's essential to address the underlying cause and provide them relief promptly using Fev Pet. Consult a veterinary doctor for a thorough examination and appropriate treatment based on the cause. Early detection and treatment can significantly improve the recovery rate. 

FAQs About 10 Common Signs of Fever in Dogs

How to detect fever in dogs?

The most accurate way to detect fever is by using a digital thermometer. Lubricate the thermometer with petroleum jelly or baby oil and then gently place it about 1 inch into your dog’s anus.

How long does dog fever last?

Depending on the reasons for your dog's temperature rise, fever can last for more than 24 hours. It is recommended to take dog-friendly fever medicines like Fev Pet to relieve fever and its signs. 

Can dogs recover from fever without treatment?

With appropriate Home care for dog fever, you can relieve the condition of your pet. This includes Fev Pet, which provides a natural relief to fever, cough, cold and body pain due to fever. 

What should I do if my dog has a fever?

To relieve fever in pets, Fev Pet is the best dog fever medication. This natural remedy targets the root cause of fever while helping your pet to fight against the viral infection.