Why Physical Activities Are Important for Pets – Essential for Health and Well-Being

Are you a pet parent taking your dog out for a walk? Heads up, you might still be overlooking the power of other physical activities! 

As pet parents, we often prioritize our furry friends' nutrition, grooming, and health checks. This works well until our pet falls ill and we wonder where it went wrong. The underlying aspect often remains neglected- The Power of Exercise. 

Where Do Pet Parents Lag? 

A majority of pet parents overlook the importance of physical fitness in pets. They don't take their dogs out for walks, not even once daily. Even if they do, there are breeds for which walks alone are not sufficient to utilize their energy. If you don’t  focus equally on physical activities like games, they will show  unnecessary barking, destroying furniture, destructive chewing, over-eating , excessive barking and more.

Consequences of Lack of Physical Activities   

  • Obesity

If we do not take our dogs out for walks, there is a high chance that they will end up being obese. Obesity is one of the major predisposing factors for diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, joint diseases and many other underlying issues which might exist without showing any signs. Pet parents don't even know about

  • Unhealthy Habits

Young dogs are packed with energy, especially labradors, retrievers, and shih tzu. So they need a dedicated playtime to channelize their energy. Otherwise, they will end up using their energy in futile activities such as destructive chewing of various objects. This might initiate to get rid of boredom, however it becomes a bad habit in the long run. 

  • Mental Health

Another important aspect of physical activities is the impact on their mental health. When you take your dog out for walks, you connect with them on an emotional level and your dog starts building trust on you. He explores the outer environment and interacts with new people and other dogs, which is a crucial aspect of socialization and personality build up . Insufficient physical activity can even contribute to depression and anxiety in dogs.

Which Breeds Need Maximum Exposure? 

Dogs are highly active and energetic beings that thrive on playfulness. Just like humans, they too need regular exercises to keep them physically and mentally strong. Physical activities also prevent health issues and behavioral problems. However, the following breeds require extra physical activities because of their genetics. 


Golden Retrievers

Shih Tzu

Siberian Husky







Saint Bernard

German Shepherd

What Activities to Include in Your Pet's Routine? 

  • Daily Walks: Take your dog out on a walk every day, even if it is just for 15-20 minutes

  • Playtime: Engage in play activities, such as fetch, tug of war, hide and seek, squeaky toys 

  • Outdoor Activities: Include activities like running, swimming, hiking, fetch, and agility training, obedience training, playing fetch and moderate jogging. 

  • Teaching Commands: Teaching your dog new tricks and commands like sit, stay,  roll over can improve your dog’s coordination, focus, and obedience skills. 

  • Body Massage: Relax your dog with a gentle massage, or belly rub as it helps to soothe anxiety and relax muscles. 

To Sum Up 

Regular exercise is a cornerstone of your dog’s health as it prevents health issues and keeps a check on behavioural problems. By prioritizing exercise and mental stimulation, you can prevent several issues, strengthen your bond, and ensure your furry friend leads a long, joyful life. Thus, begin today by making physical activity an important part of your dog's daily routine.