5 Common Mistakes Every Pet Parent Should Avoid

With the continuously rising trend of pet parenting in India, there are a few notions tat are still associated with orthodox thoughts. If you are a pet parent, there might be a few things you are thinking about. We are here to prevent you from making these mistakes and ensure that your furry friend stays happy and healthy. Check out this blog on 5 Mistakes Every Pet Parent Should Avoid to get insights into the World of Petcare!  

1. Not Giving Supplements  

People often consider supplements as medicines and avoid giving supplements to pets to escape these unnecessary medicines. However, this notion is completely wrong. Supplements are highly essential for every pet to save them from developing certain diseases. Pets are often deficient in multivitamins and minerals because it is impossible to fulfill all the body requirements with home-cooked or packaged foods. Thus, it is necessary to give different types of supplements that are necessary at different stages of life. You can also checkout our CanniVin Range of Supplements that are super tasty and healthy for pets!

2. Mating At Least Once a Lifetime 

Pet parents have a common notion to mate their dogs at least once in a lifetime to complete their life cycle. However, mating and then taking away babies is no less than cruelty. To avoid this situation, it is always recommended to get your pet neutered. Neutering significantly controls hormonal levels, which suppresses the urge to mate. Moreover, neutering/spaying should be done irrespective of gender as it protects your pet from many physical and mental health issues.

3. Giving Paracetamol To Pets   

Paracetamol is one of the most commonly found medicines in Indian households. Pet parents often give paracetamol to their pets if they suspect fever or pain. However, it is not a safe practice because you might unknowingly overdose to the level of toxicity which can even lead to your dog collapsing. Thus, always avoid doing at-home treatment using paracetamol. Instead, you can opt for pet-friendly medicines like Fev Pet which is made specially to relieve fever, body pain, cough and cold in pets. 

4. Adult Dogs Don’t Need Vaccinations  

It is a false notion that dogs require vaccinations only during the initial phases of life and no vaccinations are required during adulthood. Several diseases can affect adult dogs too which include canine distemper, hepatitis, rabies, parainfluenza, leptospira and many more. So make sure that your pet’s vaccination schedule is up-to-date every year and take them for regular veterinary checkups. Know more about Pet Vaccination

5. Feeding Whenever They Ask 

Being pet parents, we have a habit of feeding our dogs whenever they ask for food, thinking that they might be hungry. However, it is not true as most pets just wish to get rid of their boredom or ask for food out of greed for snack time. Similar to humans, it causes obesity in pets, which further leads to fatal diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol issues, etc. So it is important to ensure that their feeding schedule is regulated. Moreover, you can give digestive stimulants like Pacho Pet that balances their appetite. 

Hope we could clarify your doubts and help you know the truth behind common societal notions. For more such content around pets and pet parenting, stay tuned!