Tips to Nourish Your Dog's Skin

Skin is the first line of defense that protects a dog from allergens, bacteria, and irritants. Dog skin varies depending on its breed and size, routine diet, and health condition. Skin issues among dogs include itchy, dry, and the like, which can be highly problematic for your dog. A few possible causes can be parasites, allergies, stress, and excess endocrine, which leads to irritation. The dog finds relief by scratching, biting, and licking the affected area, resulting in bacterial and yeast infections. Mentioned below are the Tips to nourish your dog's skin

Best Food For Dog Skin and Coat  


Fish for dogs | Fur Ball Story

Fish is a rich source of protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, and has relatively low levels of saturated fats. This easy-to-digest food helps to reduce inflammation and can be fed to dogs who are allergic to chicken. Fish skin has collagen which is good for the skin and bones of dogs. Breeds like Flounder, Whitefish, Salmon, Herring, Catfish, Cod, Whiting, and canned Tuna fish can be fed to dogs after clinical consultation. If cooking yourself at home, make sure you properly remove the scales as they can be problematic.

Coconut Oil

Besides increasing energy levels and improving digestion, Coconut oil improves the skin and coat of the dog and reduces allergic reactions. It can be used in moderation as a coating on pills or applied directly to moisturize, smoothen, and freshen up the dog’s skin. As coconut oil can be applied on the dog's skin, it prevents flaking and is safe even if the dog licks itself. 

Chia Seeds 

Chia Seeds for Dog's skin | Fur Ball Story

Chia seeds can be highly nutritious snacks when fed in moderation to the dog. These seeds are a rich source of vitamin B, omega fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Moreover, the fiber content helps to regulate digestive and blood sugar levels. You can make a pudding or give it as a food topping to your dog.


Oatmeal baths can work wonders for dogs with itchy and irritated skin to relax and soothe them. The anti-inflammatory properties of oatmeal reduce dryness by developing a protective layer that locks moisture and other hydrating agents. It is a natural way to soothe your dog's skin and is even suitable for dogs who are sensitive to wheat and grains.


Egg for dogs skin | Fur Ball Story

Eggs contain 55 to 75 calories and are rich in protein, linoleic acid, and fat-soluble vitamins. Other important nutrients include iron, fatty acids, folate, protein, riboflavin, selenium, vitamin A, and vitamin B12. Egg shells contain calcium, minerals, and phosphorus. You can simply cook them by boiling, scrambling, frying, or poaching.

Chicken Liver

Chicken liver can make your dog's coat healthier and shinier since it contains amino acids and high-quality proteins. Moreover, it is a rich source of zinc, copper, iron, Omega 3 & 6, and Vitamin B-complex that provide a smooth and silky coat. Apart from skin, the chicken liver also boosts energy and muscle strength, and supplies required protein.

How to treat skin problems at home? 

Skin care products by Fur Ball Story
  • To ensure healthy skin and lustrous coat in dogs, try CanniVin Spray. This Biotin-rich oral supplement prevents hair loss and results in healthy nails, strong bones, and muscles, and builds immunity in dogs.
  • If your pet is facing parasitic issues, Tick Free - dog tick spray for repelling ticks and fleas. Being prepared from natural oils and herbal extracts, it can be a great tick treatment for dogs.
  • Lastly, Eczo Pet - antibacterial and antifungal cream made with 100% Ayurvedic herbs. You can check out more such dog-friendly herbal products at Fur Ball Story


Altering the food habits of your dog after consulting a veterinarian can improve both internal and external health. A good diet results in excellent skin and coat health. Moderation and occasional treats can be given to balance the nutrition level. A gentle reminder - if you change your dog’s diet, make sure you do it in phases. Instant changes might affect the dogs having a sensitive stomach, resulting in digestive and gut problems. Hope the Tips to nourish your dog's skin could provide you valuable insights!