Stuck between what to feed and what to avoid feeding to your pet? With so many food items that you think are harmless can actually be poisonous to your pooch. Our expert veterinarians are here to guide you through such challenges. Check this blog on Dog Food: What’s Safe and What’s Not? and know about the food items that can be harmful to your dog along with their safe, nutritious alternatives.
What Not to Feed to Your Dog?

- Grapes & Raisins - Grapes have tartaric acid that damages the kidneys of dogs
- Onion - Contains n-propyl disulfide which causes anaemia (reduces HB of your dog)
- Garlic - Contains thiosulfate which causes anaemia, gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting and diarrhoea
- Chocolate - It contains theobromine which primarily affects the central nervous system, cardiovascular, and respiratory system
- Caffeine - It can cause heart issues, nervous signs like seizures, tremors and gastric issues
- Alcohol- The toxicity of alcohol can cause severe central nervous system depression, coma, and acidosis in dogs.
- Sugar-Free Candy & Gums -They contain xylitol, even small amounts of xylitol can cause hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, seizures, liver failure, or even death in dogs.
- Avocados - They contain persin which is toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal upset.
- Macadamia Nuts - These nuts are toxic to dogs and cause weakness, lethargy, lack of muscle control, tremors, and fever.
- Raw Eggs - Eggs have an antinutritional factor known as avidin which prevents the binding of biotin and vitamin B in the body, which gets inactivated by boiling. Raw eggs have the chance of transferring salmonella to your dog.
- Raw or Undercooked Meat- Feeding these can lead to many kinds of bacterial infestation along with tapeworm infection.
- Food Cooked with Spices - Their feeding can cause digestive issues, gastric ulcers, and excessive thirst.
- Undiluted Milk - most dogs have mild lactose intolerance, so giving them milk in large quantities and undiluted can cause digestive issues.
- Bakery Products - bakery products generally have very large amounts of sugars, refined wheat flour, sometimes chocolate, caffeine and many other ingredients that do not contain any kind of nutritional factor and some have toxic compounds in them.
- Human Cerelac - it contains large amounts of sugars which are not apt for pups, hence they should always be given dog cerelac.
- Fried Food - It can lead to gastric issues, pancreatic problems, heart diseases
- Ice Cream - feeding this can cause dental issues, gastric problems, weight gain
- Bones - Giving big bones can lead to choking problems in dogs, sharp bones can damage the mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines.
- Unripened Tomatoes - They contain large amounts of tomatine, solanine can cause tremors, gastric upset and affects the heart.
- Citrus fruits: Contain citric acid, which can cause an upset stomach or problems with the dog's central nervous system
What You Can Feed to Your Pet?

- Full-Boiled Eggs - Boiling the eggs activates anti-nutritional factors. It is generally recommended to give 1 egg per 10 kg of your pet's body weight.
- Boiled Pumpkins - It is enriched with high fiber, prebiotics, vitamins A, C, E and minerals like iron and potassium. Thus, feeding pumpkins is a healthy choice.
- Boiled Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes - When combined with other ingredients like curd or rice in small amounts, boiled potato is good for pets.
- Carrots & Cucumbers - Enriched with fiber content and vitamin A, carrots and cucumbers are healthy for dogs who need weight loss.
- Bananas, Seedless Apples & Watermelon - They can be given in small quantities.
- Chapatis without Ghee - The dogs who are not allergic to wheat (gluten), chapatis can be fed.
- Boiled Lentils without Spices- Lentils are a rich source of protein, fibre and many other nutrients. It can be given without adding any spices
- Curd (At room temperature) - Curd is a good source of probiotics. Make sure you are feeding it at room temperature, not straight out of the refrigerator
- Cooked Meal - Chicken and mutton can be given only after cooking the flesh properly.
- White Rice - It is considered healthy for digestive issues as rice is easy to digest and can be used as filler to increase the volume of your dog's diet.
In conclusion, by knowing what foods to offer and which to avoid, you can help prevent health issues for your furry friend. With a little care and attention, you prepare a nourishing diet that keeps your pet happy and healthy. Together, let’s ensure your fur ball enjoys a healthy, happy meal!