Common Dog behaviour

Ever wondered why your dog jumps on people or sleeps by your feet? We have the answer to your curiosity! To cherish a stronger bond, understand and dive deep into the world of our canine companion. Be it flicking of ears or chasing the tail, explore the insights and solutions to prevent this common behavior in dogs. Unravel the mystery by Decoding Common Dog Behaviour.

1. Flicking Ears 

Did you know that puppies are deaf until 3 weeks old? After 3 weeks, they hear about 4 times better than humans - says AKC.Org. Dogs move their ears to hear better and filter out certain sounds. However, sometimes it can also be a sign of inner ear infections. Dogs can block out sounds and tune in by sleeping through loud conversations and waking up instantly after being called out. So, you can train your dogs to block the loud noise of firecrackers, traffic, etc.

2. Eating Poop

Seeing mother dogs licking up their pups to clean up poop, naturally sets the mindset of the growing dog to eat his poop. Possible reasons for poop eating can be 

  • Parasites
  • Diets deficiency 
  • Lack of absorption
  • Diabetes or thyroid 
  • Drug or steroid intake 

A stool contaminated with parasites, viruses, or toxins can land your pooch in trouble. Vitamin and enzyme supplementation is necessary to prevent this behavior. Keep the dog’s living area clean, supervise him during walks and train him. Giving him a good multivitamin or supplement like CanniVin Supplements to balance his nutrient intake is a good idea. 

3. Jumping on people 

Dogs are highly social creatures that seek attention by greeting people. You can train your pooch to sit, lie down, stand, and be neutral until they have permission to greet. Teach them to shake hands as a greeting gesture. You can use the phrases like nice, good or bad to let them know that they are behaving appropriately.  

4. Inappropriate Sniffing 

Dogs are sensitive to odors and have strong olfactory senses with 220 million sensors. Dogs smell people's privates, pee, poop and other dogs' butts simply because it is an odoriferous place. To prevent inappropriate sniffing, offer your pooches new and interesting scents, take them out for walks on different routes and hide their treats to let them sniff around the house. 

Being a pet owner, your dog might sniff at you regularly. Remember not to back away, instead give a “no” command to train him. But remember, your dog’s habit of sniffing is nothing but his way of identifying you and others by their respective odors. They don’t identify everyone’s names but will never forget their odor.

5. Walking in pattern

Similar to fidgeting in humans, dogs often do pacing. It is a sign that your pooch is feeling uneasy and stressed. Pacing might be an underlying symptom of dementia, which needs your attention. You must identify the reason and treat your dog accordingly. Unnecessary punishments, lack of physical activities, the loud noise of fireworks, inappropriate attention, etc might be some of the reasons behind this. Calm Pet is a natural behavior modifier that relaxes your pet. Try it out now! 

On the contrary, sometimes you will find your dog running around the house, maybe with his toys. They sometimes do this in utter excitement, happiness or just to play. It’s playfully called ‘Zoomies’. Don’t mix this with the diagnosis of a serious condition.

6. Frequent Urination 

Urinating and defecating abruptly damages your home, making it necessary to train them and consult a veterinarian. Some of the reasons for this typical dog behavior are:

  • Excitement or anxiety
  • Expressing dominance
  • Urinary tract infection 
  • Kidney or Liver disease
  • Age-related incontinence

You need to monitor urine's frequency, duration, consistency, and paleness to seek a vet's advice accordingly. 

7. Chasing his tail 

Circling around, trying to catch his own tail is again a common dog behavior. It might seem harmless but could be a sign of health issues. Some of the reasons have been listed below: 

  • Boredom
  • Playfulness 
  • Aggression 
  • Ticks and fleas
  • Injury or infection 
  • Lack of socialization 
  • Past frightening experiences

Firstly, check your pet for any injury, infection or fleas on their tails. Keep them engaged with fun toys, brain puzzles, and fetch games. In the case of ticks and fleas, Bye Bugs Box is an all-natural remedy to prevent further parasitic infection in dogs. 

8. Dragging onto the floor 

Does your dog drag himself while laying down on the floor? It can be a sign of the following:

  • Irritated anus sac 
  • Internal/external parasitic infection 
  • Grass or hair trapped in the anus 
  • Irritations from grooming products 
  • Food aggression in dogs

To know the exact reason and cure for scooting, consult your vet. Also, if your dog’s anal glands look enlarged or have bloody discharge, immediately rush him to the hospital for a proper examination. 

9. Humping 

Humping shows sexual arousal, dominance, stress, and overexcitement in dogs. Male dogs might have an infection, irritation, or even prostate problems. This behavior is seen in younger dogs that have not been spayed or neutered. Training and redirecting the focus immediately to make sure energy utilization can be considered. Frequent exercises, chew toys, walks or neutering can curb the dog’s sexual desires and calm him down. 

10. Sleeping by owner’s feet 

Since animals love to snuggle, your feet perfectly serve as a cozy place that radiates warmth and provides a sense of security to your pup. A few reasons have been enlisted below:

  • Inherited Instinct 
  • Bonding and attachment 
  • Knowing your whereabouts 
  • Seeking warmth and protection 

You can pamper your pet for a while and direct him back to his bed. Ensure their couch is comfortable enough and free from bugs or irritants. Try relocating their bed near yours to reflect warmth and closeness to them.

Key Takeaway 

It is essential to understand what your dog seeks from you. Respecting their personal space builds a trustworthy bond. Besides training them to stop unfavorable behaviors, try pampering sessions they will love. Remember, your body language and small gestures can make a visible difference in your canine's behavior!