Signs of Skin Infections in Dogs: Part 2

From excessive itching to visible redness, signs and causes of skin infections can be diverse. In Part 2 of our series, let’s understand more signs of skin infections in dogs. Check out the blog on ‘Signs of Skin Infections in Dogs Part 2’ and learn about these indicators to ensure that your pet receives timely care.

1. Redness or Inflammation

Redness in Dogs | Fur Ball Story

To heal the infected skin, the immune system sends white blood cells and other relieving agents to the site of infection. This helps to fight off bacteria but the process leads to swelling and redness. Moreover, inflammation of blood vessels causes extra blood to flow in the infected area and transfer immune cells for repairing the skin. This increased blood flow appears on the surface as redness. To relieve the condition, Eczo Pet is one of the best medicines for skin infections in dogs and cats. It contains 100% natural ingredients that ensure no side effects on the sensitive skin of your pet. 

2. Recurrent Skin Infections

Underlying health issues such as Diabetes, Hyperthyroidism, Hyperadrenocorticism, liver or Autoimmune diseases can be responsible for hormonal imbalances that cause recurring skin infections. Besides, dogs with environmental, food or other allergies can also experience recurring skin infection and irritation. Seek veterinary advice for personalized care. 

3. Hyperpigmentation/ Hyperkeratinization

Pigmentation in dogs | Fur Ball Story

These are chronic skin conditions that occur during a skin infection. Hyperpigmentation is characterized by an increase in melanin production that causes darker skin or hair. Conditions such as cushing's disease, hypothyroidism, or skin allergies can be responsible for hyperpigmentation, which can be treated by addressing the underlying cause and reducing inflammation. On the other hand, hyperkeratinization is caused by overproduction of keratin, leading to thickened skin. It can be caused by conditions such as seborrhea, eczema or zinc deficiency. Reducing keratin production, moisturizing and addressing the underlying cause can help relieve the issue. 

4. Foul Odor

Some of the factors responsible for foul odor in pets are bacterial growth, yeast infection, metabolic disorders or systemic infections. Also, poor maintenance of hygiene can be the reason that your dog emits a bad smell. To prevent this condition, brush your dog regularly to get rid of dirt and loose hair. Clean their ears regularly using Clear Ear and feed a nutritious diet to maintain healthy skin and coat. For regular grooming, use Shampooch, which is a herbal dog shampoo to prevent foul odor, hairloss and other skin problems in dogs. 

5. Changes in Appetite 

Skin infections can cause your pet to feel irritated and uncomfortable, due to which they don’t feel like eating. The skin issues which are symptoms of underlying diseases such as hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease or autoimmune diseases show changes in appetite as additional symptoms. Imbalanced diet and nutritional deficiencies can also contribute to skin problems, which further lead to changes in appetite. 

6. Skin Lesions

Skin diseases in dogs | Fur Ball Story

The spotting of pimples, acne, eczema or rashes on the skin is nothing but skin lesions. It can be caused due to clogged hair follicles, hormonal changes, irritants or allergies, fungal and bacterial infections. The immune response to infection also leads to inflammation in the affected area besides causing redness, swelling, and warmth of the area. Moreover, if any cuts or wounds become infected, it can lead to lesions, while excessive scratching or biting can spread the infection. Heal Pet is one of the best medicines to treat wounds. It helps in rapid healing of the area with natural ingredients such as Jati, Mulethi, Neem, Jatyadi Oil, Camphor and Tulsi. 

7. Sensitive or Painful to Touch

Through pain or sensitivity, the body signals that something is wrong. Inflammation of the infected area makes the nerve endings more sensitive to transmit pain signals to the brain; so touching the area causes immense pain. Also, the infected area becomes inflamed due to the accumulation of fluid, which exerts pressure on surrounding tissues and nerves and causes pain and sensitivity. 

Also Check out: Signs of Skin Infections in Dogs: Part 1

How do you treat a skin infection in a dog?

Skin infection in dogs | Fur Ball Story

Eczo Pet is a vet-approved medicine to relieve skin infections in dogs and cats. It addresses fungal, bacterial and yeast infections while treating Eczema, Dermatitis, Mange and other skin issues. This medicine is free of harmful chemicals and contains 100% natural ingredients such as Somavalka, Bakuchi and Neem. It remains gentle on the skin while relieving irritation and itching on the site.