Tips to nourish your senior dog

Looking for the right nutrition plan for your senior dog? Fur Ball Story has got your back. In this article, explore the best tips and tricks that help you to meet your dog’s nutritional requirements. Read more about Tips To Nourish Your Senior Dog and choose a specially customized diet plan for your senior dog.

1. Low Calorie Intake 

Nutrition to dogs | Fur Ball Story

As Dogs grow old, their physical activities and exercises reduce to a great extent. It causes a lower metabolism rate and a higher risk of weight gain. Obesity can worsen age-related problems like arthritis and cardiac diseases. Therefore, monitoring and adjusting the amount of calorie intake becomes necessary. It is recommended to opt for high-quality food that has essential nutrients but is low in calories. 

2. High Quality Proteins 

Protein helps to maintain muscle mass in senior dogs. Adequate protein supports smooth joint mobility and prevents muscle loss. Prefer dog food that contains high-quality yet easily digestible proteins like chicken, fish, or lamb. However, remember that moderation is key, as excessive protein intake can harm the kidney and mental health of dogs.

3. Joint Problems 

Many senior dogs experience joint problems such as arthritis, stiffness, swelling, wearing down of cartilage, injury to tendons, etc. Including supplements like glucosamine, chondroitin, and omega-3 fatty acids can relieve these problems and improve joint health in dogs. Consult a vet to determine the right dosage and form of supplementation you can give to your pet. You can also try CanniVin Spray.

4. Hydration is Necessary 

Hydration in dogs | Fur Ball Story

The sense of thirst may diminish in ageing dogs, making them prone to dehydration. Sufficient water consumption improves kidney function, aids digestion, and maintains the overall vitality of your dog. So, ensure that fresh water is always available to them. Adding water to dry food or simply opting for wet dog food can also increase the water content in their bodies. 

5. Smaller yet Frequent Meals

Senior dogs may have lower appetites and face difficulty in consuming larger meals in one go. So, it is better to feed them smaller yet more frequent meals at regular intervals throughout the day. This approach enhances their rate of digestion and supplies adequate nutrition to your pooch by eliminating indigestion.

6. Digestive Health   

Food intake by dogs | Fur Ball Story

    Senior dogs have more sensitive digestive systems which cause diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal swelling, weight loss, etc. Adding dietary fiber present in pumpkin and sweet potato can help regulate bowel movements. Probiotics like yogurt, broccoli, and cheese support a healthy gut and facilitate digestion. Again, consulting your vet is necessary to choose the right nourishment and ensure zero side effects. Try Pacho Pet – The Digestive Stimulant

    7. Consult a Veterinarian 

    Before making any major changes, it is important to consult a veterinarian. They will assess the existing health conditions and advise you on the specialized dietary requirements of your pet accordingly. Moreover, they will ensure that your dog receives a balanced diet that contains the correct proportion of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other vital nutrients.

    Key Takeaway 

    By providing the right diet and care, you can ensure a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life for your senior companion. A well-balanced diet for old dogs prevents age-related issues, maintains a healthy weight, and promotes their overall well-being. Choose high-quality food to ensure proper nourishment, and joint support, and remember to pay attention to the hydration and digestion of your dog. However, it is important to consult a veterinarian before making any alterations. Cherish happy moments with your pet by following the Tips To Nourish Your Senior Dog!